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What's the best recipe for homemade dark soy sauce with brownsugar?

Dark soy sauce, with its deep color and rich flavor, is a staple ingredient in Asian cooking, lending depth and complexity to a wide array of dishes. While store-bought options are readily available, making your own dark soy sauce allows you to customize the flavor to your preference and ensures a fresher, more authentic taste. In this article, we'll explore the best recipe for homemade dark soy sauce using brown sugar as a key ingredient. From the selection of ingredients to the fermentation process, follow along to master the art of crafting your own dark soy sauce that will elevate your culinary creations.

Understanding Homemade Dark Soy Sauce

Homemade dark soy sauce offers a unique depth of flavor and complexity that surpasses many commercial varieties. By fermenting a blend of soybeans, wheat, salt, and brown sugar, you can achieve a sauce that boasts a rich umami taste and a deep mahogany color. The addition of brown sugar provides sweetness and contributes to the sauce's caramelized notes, enhancing its overall complexity.

Ingredients and Equipment

To embark on your journey of making homemade dark soy sauce with brown sugar, gather the following ingredients and equipment:


Soybeans: 2 cups, provides the base flavor and richness.

Wheat: 1 cup, adds depth and complexity to the sauce.

Brown Sugar: ½ cup, imparts sweetness and helps achieve the desired color.

Salt: ¼ cup, acts as a preservative and enhances the savory profile.

Water: For soaking, cooking, and adjusting consistency.


Large Pot or Saucepan: For boiling the soybeans and wheat.

Blender or Food Processor: To blend the softened soybeans and wheat into a smooth paste.

Fermentation Vessel: A clean, airtight container for fermenting the soy sauce mixture.

Cheesecloth or Fine Mesh Strainer: For straining the fermented mixture.

Bottles or Jars: To store the finished dark soy sauce.

The Recipe for Homemade Dark Soy Sauce with Brown Sugar

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step dark soy sauce recipe for making homemade dark soy sauce using brown sugar:

Soak the Soybeans and Wheat

• Rinse the soybeans and wheat under cold water to remove any impurities.

• Place them in separate bowls and cover with water.

• Let them soak overnight or for at least 8 hours to soften.

Blend the Soybean-Wheat Mixture

  • Drain the soaked soybeans and wheat.
  • In a blender or food processor, combine the soybeans, wheat, and enough fresh water to create a smooth paste-like consistency.
  • Blend until the mixture is thoroughly combined.

Cook the Soybean-Wheat Paste

• Transfer the blended mixture to a large pot or saucepan.

• Add enough water to cover the mixture and bring it to a gentle boil over medium heat.

• Reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

• The mixture should thicken and develop a deep aroma.

Prepare the Fermentation Vessel

• Once the soybean-wheat paste has cooked, allow it to cool to room temperature.

• Transfer the paste to a clean fermentation vessel, ensuring it's airtight to prevent contamination.

• Store the vessel in a cool, dark place for fermentation.

Ferment the Mixture

• Let the soybean-wheat mixture ferment for several months to a year, depending on your desired flavor intensity.

• During fermentation, natural enzymes and microorganisms will transform the mixture, developing its characteristic flavor and aroma.

Strain the Fermented Mixture

• After the fermentation period, strain the fermented mixture through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer into a clean container.

• Press the solids to extract as much liquid as possible, leaving behind a smooth, dark liquid.

Season with Brown Sugar and Salt

• Transfer the strained liquid to a clean pot and place it over low heat.

• Add brown sugar and salt to taste, stirring until fully dissolved.

• Adjust the sweetness and saltiness according to your preference.

Bottle and Store

• Once the brown sugar and salt are fully incorporated, remove the pot from the heat and let the dark soy sauce cool to room temperature.

• Transfer the sauce to clean bottles or jars for storage, ensuring they are tightly sealed.

• Store the homemade dark soy sauce in a cool, dark place or the refrigerator for long-term preservation.


Homemade dark soy sauce with brown sugar offers a delightful depth of flavor and complexity that enhances a wide range of dishes. By following this comprehensive dark soy sauce recipe guide, you can create your own batch of dark soy sauce that rivals the quality of store-bought varieties. Experiment with the fermentation time, sweetness level, and saltiness to tailor the sauce to your taste preferences. With your homemade dark soy sauce on hand, you'll elevate your culinary creations with its rich, savory notes and irresistible umami taste.